Tuesday, August 16, 2005


Pledge your support to a Primary Challenger for Diane Feinstein here.

Please click on 'Comments' and enter your Pledge Amount in dollars, such as $100.00.

If you want to make a comment about dumping Diane Feinstein without a pledge amount, please make it under a different post. I am going to be manually counting pledges while I look at other mechanisms to handle this task, but there is no reason to DeLay any longer.

I'll start off with my own pledge of $100.00!

Lefty Limblog


At 8:17 AM, Blogger Ruff Limblog said...

I pledge $100.00 to DumpDiFi.

Today I hear that Diane Feinstein voted for CAFTA. Those sucking sounds you hear are:

1) Jobs going south.
2) Diane Feinstein's job going south.

Lefty Limblog


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