Monday, August 15, 2005

DumpDiFi Launched!

'DumpDiFi' stands for 'Dump Diane Feinstein'.

I would like to see Diane Feinstein retire to spend more time with her family. And this blog is to encourage her to announce her retirement now.

Diane Feinstein spends big bucks on old battleships but will not buck the Neocon system of war, torture and murder. She voted Yea on CAFTA although it is going to cost us even more jobs in California.

California is a strong Democratic state. We need not fear replacing a tired Vichy Democrat. Our 'Fighting Democrat' senator Barbara Boxer did better in the last election than Diane Feinstein did in her last election. Barbara Boxer sets a good example that Diane Feinstein just refuses to follow.

Look for the post above with the Title 'PLEDGE HERE!'. Make a comment under it with the amount of your pledge to fund a Primary Challenger for Diane Feinstein. A PLEDGE costs you nothing now... but you should make a pledge with the intention of donating an equal amount when a good challenger is identified. We have some excellent Democrats who need some encouragement to step forward and make a go for the Senate.

But like the phrase from the movie 'Jerry MacGuire' we need to 'Show Me the Money!' to get their attention.

Consider Pledging TODAY to help get another strong Fighting Democrat to join Barbara Boxer in the Senate!

Diane, we would really appreciate it if you would save us all a lot of trouble and retire.

Lefty Limblog


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